Monday, January 27, 2014

 Welcome to Tuesday Tales! The word prompt is "mirror". This is from a WIP:       The Scent of Love
Jory gazed in the mirror, like she did every morning, but the same reflection looked back.

Pride in being the smarter sister faded when she face the plain, simple countenance every morning. Jackie assured her makeup would help. But Jory had never learned how to apply it. Always absorbed in her writing, now her career at the Pine Grove Weekly Post, she never made time to learn. Jory was smarter than that, she had accepted her fate.
             Jackie had started writing to Bryce Hughes after an article Jory did for the paper and being shamed by their aunt. Yes, Jackie was vain, selfish and immature, she was also beautiful beyond belief. She took on the project and kept it up for three weeks. Just long enough to send a picture of herself in a bikini to the randy soldier. 
            Of course he fell in love. Who wouldn’t after looking at her. Then she met a new guy and stopped writing.

            ‘You’re the writer in our family, not me. Please take over? You write to him. You’ll be much better than I am.”

            As she always did, Jory spoiled her little sister and took over. Now Bryce was at the V.A. hospital in Oak Bend. Someone wrote on his behalf. He was expecting Jackie to visit. Lord, how had she gotten into this mess? At least his injury had blinded him, so if she had to see him, he’d never know it wasn’t Jackie. But that was only temporary. She’d been told he was scheduled for surgery.
             Jory bit a nail. What the hell was she going to do when he got his sight back? 
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Tuesday, November 26, 2013


My 2 winners of LOVE LOST AND FOUND are: Donna E and Chanpreet. Only two winners were selected as I only had two comments. 
Come read a love story in the moonlight in St. Thomas! Welcome to Moonlight Books, by Jean Joachim. This is a place where heartfelt romance and readers come together.  I'm taking part in the Coastal Romance blog hop. So let's look at LOVE LOST AND FOUND, my contemporary, military romance which starts off in St. Thomas. Leave a comment and your email to be entered to win a copy of LOVE LOST AND FOUND. 5 Winners will be drawn on Dec. 24.
Check out the fabulous prizes on the rafflecopter below. Leave a comment with your email and favorite ebook format, because I'm drawing three people who leave comments to win an ebook copy of LOVE LOST & FOUND on Dec. 19!
A Bit About the Book

What do a Marine who received a “Dear John” letter and a journalist who dumped her cheating fiancĂ© have in common? Nothing, outside of being heartbroken over lost love. But when they accidentally end up next to each other jetting to a Caribbean paradise, they do share one thing: mutual attraction. Friendship between Tara Mason and Sergeant Mick Peterson grows quickly through a few dates on St. Thomas. An argument coupled with a blunder strand them on a small deserted Caribbean island.

In the midst of nothing but sand and water, possible starvation leading to death, old wounds heal. While working together to survive, Mick and Tara fall in love. Love found in their own private Eden is soon challenged in life-threatening ways when they return to the mainland. Long separations, danger and loneliness test their devotion. Is the love they’ve found strong enough to withstand what life throws at them?    
Now for a few pics and a short excerpt or two. 

“Is this your first time going to St. Thomas?" he asked before taking another bite of the sandwich.
“I've always wanted to go's supposed to be so romantic," she said, feeling heat rise to her cheeks. "You?""Yes...wish it were under better circumstances. Don't want to talk about it, besides I’m sure you don't want to hear about it. We’re going to paradise—” 
"Betcha my story’s worse than yours!" A small smile played at the corners of her lips. 
"Ooh, sounds like a challenge. Sure you're up to it?" He shot her a one-sided grin.
“Bring it on.” 
"First, what are the stakes? Dinner? A walk on the beach?" 
“Dinner and a walk on the beach...okay?” She took another bite of her sandwich.
"Steak! I haven't eaten steak in two years." Mick looked at her kind of funny, "Two years? Why?" 
"Because Paul wanted me skinny. He said steak would make me fat. I love steak. Now I don't have to care if I put on five pounds." She touched the empty space on her ring finger.
While they waited for their food, Kokomo by the Beach Boys played over the loudspeaker. "At least we'll have sunshine and beautiful beaches." She hummed along. 

Bet he looks great in a bathing suit. Gotta be fit in the military. 
"I have to disagree with…Paul, you say? You’re a beautiful woman. If you gained ten pounds you’d be just as pretty." 
Tara had hungered for those words of acceptance for so long. She blinked back tears.
 Check out my books: HERE
Thank you for stopping by. I hope your holidays will be filled with love and laughter.

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